Almost every day here at The Brooks Group, we get calls from sales leaders who notice their sellers lack a certain …...

Almost every day here at The Brooks Group, we get calls from sales leaders who notice their sellers lack a certain …...
Sales team training is an essential investment for any organization. When individuals and teams receive training, they...
When it’s the fourth quarter, there are two things on every sales leader’s mind: Finishing the year strong to meet or...
Are you a new sales leader? Then you know the transition from sales professional to sales manager can be tough....
National sales meeting time comes every year, yet somehow it always seems to sneak up on us. If you want your annual...
Confidence fosters success. Confidence in sales is essential. When your sellers have confidence in themselves and...
The manufacturing industry is vast, encompassing a wide variety of products and services tailored to specific...
Sales kickoff season is here. It’s time to plan your sales strategy, train your sales professionals, crank up the...
As a sales leader, you’re likely managing a team that spans multiple generations—from Baby Boomers to Gen Z. While...
As a sales leader, there’s a lot riding on your hiring decisions. You know good hiring practices do far more than...