Sales Team Assessments
Get data-backed insights to build and manage a stronger sales team. Learn how to hire, train, and motivate every single sales professional for best results.
Fix Common Sales Challenges
Find out why your sales team is struggling to reach quota. Our sales team assessments help you understand your team better so you can avoid pitfalls and resolve pain points.
High Turnover
Poor Sales Skills
Inconsistent Performance
Lack of Motivation
Toxic Team Members
Interpersonal Conflicts
Sales Skills Assessments to Hire and Retain A-Players
We understand finding the best candidates is hard. We help you get a competitive edge with scientifically accurate sales assessment tests so you can hire and develop a top-tier sales team.
Assessments help you see core personality drivers, selling styles, and success factors of new hires, current sales professionals, and entire teams.
Choose from our suite of sales personality assessments to understand your sellers’ styles, manage your team effectively, and improve performance.
![Behavior Styles Behavior Styles](
Brooks Talent Index™
Assess candidates to hire smarter and maximize sales team performance.
![Brooks Talent Index Certification Brooks Talent Index Certification](
Brooks Talent Index™ Certification
Interpret assessment results and become your organization’s in-house expert.
![Sales Culture Insights Sales Culture Insights](
Brooks Talent Index™ Job Benchmark
Develop your ideal candidate profile and avoid costly hiring mistakes.
![IMPACT Selling Skills Index IMPACT Selling Skills Index](
IMPACT Selling Skills Index®
Measure selling skills, development, and predictors of sales success.
![Sales Team Insights Sales Team Insights](
Sales Team Insights
Assess sales team competencies for your unique selling environment.
![Sales Culture Insights Sales Culture Insights](
Sales Culture Insights
Get a true understanding of the current pulse of your sales organization.
![EQ Assess EQ Assessments](
Emotional Quotient Assessment
Equip sales professionals with insight to avoid burnout and adapt to customers.
The Value of Sales Assessments
Start with the essential assessment for hiring and sales training. The Brooks Talent Index™ all-in-one sales assessment tool reveals sales professionals’ selling skills, working styles, communication preferences, driving forces, and acumen for actionable insight.
![quotes Testimonial](
The insight provided by DISC helped sales team members understand each other better, which resulted in increased collaboration and cohesiveness. It’s paid off huge dividends for us.
![Joe Bigler - Director of North America Customer Success at Hitachi Joe Bigler - Director of North America Customer Success at Hitachi](
![quotes Testimonial](
Utilizing the assessments during the hiring process has removed the guesswork in determining whether the candidate is an ideal fit for the role or not. Additionally, the assessment insight benchmark reports have empowered us to better coach our sales team and expedite each salesperson’s growth, development, and success in their role.
![Robert Krutsinger Robert Krutsinger](
Improve Sales Hiring, Training, Coaching, and Retention
Overcome common sales leader challenges. Understand personality drivers and behavior styles. Learn essential factors to improve communication, coaching, and maximizing sales performance. Get the information you need to be a better sales leader.
![Hire Smarter Hire Smarter](
Make better hiring decisions and understand “best team fit”
![Train Effectively Train Effectively](
Understand learning styles for the highest knowledge retention
![coaching (1) Coach Better](
Personalize communication and deliver feedback for greatest improvement
![Retain Longer Retain Longer](
Increase engagement and long-term job satisfaction
![Communicate Communicate](
Uncover areas for improvement and obstacles to sales success
White Paper Download
Top 5 Ways Assessments Improve Sales Effectiveness
Do you know what really motivates your sellers to perform? Assessments are a powerful tool sales leaders can use to understand to hire smarter, coach effectively, retain top performers and ultimately improve sales effectiveness and performance.
This guide outlines the top 5 ways you can use assessments to improve sales effectiveness.
Trusted By Sales Leaders Worldwide to Unlock Sales Team Potential
Learn how sales assessments can help you build and manage a winning sales team.