The Sales Leader Blog
The latest insights on Sales Leadership, Sales Training, Sales Strategy, and Sales Effectiveness
5 Most Common Mistakes New Sales Managers Make (And How to Avoid Them)
Are you a new sales leader? Then you know the transition from sales professional to sales manager can be tough. Overnight, you’ve gone from someone who was responsible for your own performance to running an entire sales team. There are a lot of new sales manager...
6 Tips to Make Your National Sales Meeting Ridiculously Productive
National sales meeting time comes every year, yet somehow it always seems to sneak up on us. If you want your annual sales meeting or sales kickoff to be a success, it’s never too early to start planning. You’ve got to develop the agenda, book the venue, set a meeting...
How to Improve Sales Performance
Sales performance is how well a sales organization achieves its targets. Is your sales team measuring up? Don’t assume your current approaches will continue to drive growth. Buyers are becoming more demanding and the business of sales is changing. Sales leaders, adopt...
12 Signs Your Sales Team Needs Sales Skills Training
Have you been putting off sales training? Maybe most of your sales professionals hit quota. The business is doing okay. Your results could be better, but they’re not too bad. Are you thinking it’s not the right time to invest? But there are signs that your team needs...
Why Your CRM and Your Sales Process Are a Perfect Pair
A consistent sales process is the hallmark of successful sales teams. Data from our research report, Best Practices of High-Performing Sales Teams, shows that 95% of sales teams that meet or exceed revenue goals follow their sales process all or most of the time—but...
4 Customer Personality Types Your Sales Reps Must Be Able to Recognize
Without realizing it, your sellers may be pushing potential buyers away by using the wrong communication approach. Every buyer has a unique personality style. They feel more comfortable and at ease when they are sold to in a specific way. On the flip side, when your...
8 Essential Sales Negotiation Skills
Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett is one of the world’s most successful investors, with a net worth of $135 billion. He’s also earned a reputation as one of the world’s most skilled negotiators. Buffet is known for doing his research and preparing for negotiations...
Improve Sales Productivity: 11 Essential Steps
Did you know your sellers may spend only 39% of their time working deals with potential customers? This may seem low, but it doesn’t indicate a lack of effort. There are many reasons why it’s tough to improve sales productivity. Poor training, unrealistic goals,...