In the famous science fiction franchise “Star Trek,” space was considered the final frontier. At The Brooks...
Post-Pandemic Optimism: Prepare Today for the Second-Half Surge
It’s hard to deny that there's a palatable optimism out in the world today. Each day, I hear people making plans for...
Does Your Sales Team Pass the “Candy” Test? Analyzing Skills and Processes
I was thinking recently about the twin challenges facing sales leaders who are hoping to achieve sales...
Pent-Up Demand: Are You Ready for What’s Next?
I recently returned from maternity leave – which, along with my pregnancy, was a 12-month stretch that roughly tracked...
Sales Agility in a VUCA World: 10 Keys to Separating the Agile from the Fragile
It’s the turn of the 20th century, and like most salespeople of this era, you are riding a company horse from business...
Email, Zoom, Phone… What’s the Best Way to Make a Connection?
Though the end of the COVID-19 pandemic may soon be approaching, it’s clear that our buyers will want us to keep our...
Six Remote Sales Trends to Watch in 2021
For those in the sales profession, 2020 has been a year of firsts – most of which we’d care not to repeat in a hundred lifetimes.
Negotiating Your Number: Four Keys to Calibrating Today’s Expectations Against Tomorrow’s Hopes
“You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose — with the...
Selling to Purchasing Managers
It used to be, as sales professionals, that the purchasing or procurement manager was the unseen force that stood in...
Build Your Brand: Five Ways to Improve the Impression You Leave with Buyers
As business leaders, we know that vague concepts can be deal-killers – and something as essential to the seller-buyer...