Why Sales Skills Assessment Tests Are Necessary

March 6, 2023
Brooks Talent Index Assessment

Sales skill assessment tests, commonly known as the sales aptitude test, are designed for managers to check the potential of sales candidates. Many companies use this as a recruitment process because it yields better results than interviews and lends insight into how professionals achieve their sales goals.

What do salespeople do?

Salespeople have different roles and responsibilities, ranging from entry-level agents to account executives with more years of expertise under their belts. Salespersons have one goal: to create and implement selling strategies that will grow business revenue.

Brooks Talent Index Assessment

mSales Assessment Test

A sales assessment test reveals individual capabilities and potential for sales success. These tests analyze competencies such as presentation skills, teamwork, versatility, and goal orientation. They also look into behavior, communication style, acumen, and driving forces.

Reasons For Companies To Conduct Sales Assessments

Companies conduct sales assessments to understand candidates’ process and selling aptitude. Here are a few benefits of conducting these tests:

  • Tests can be more objective than interviews and indicate a candidate’s capability
  • Testing is more cost-effective and is faster than in-person assessments
  • Tests are standardized and transparent and can be automated, freeing up time for other tasks.

Sales Skills Assessment Testing Types

There are different types of sales skills assessments. Some are multiple choice, while others include questions that mimic a real-world sales environment. Both are designed to gauge how candidates approach or interact with potential customers. Here are a few test types:

Personality Tests

Many companies adopt personality tests to establish how well a candidate will fit into the potential role, sales team, and company. The personality of a salesperson is related to how well they can communicate with cold and warm prospects. Personality tests are among the most commonly used assessments in sales today.

Situational Judgment Tests

Candidates may find this test more difficult to complete. As the name suggests, situational judgment exams are one of the most challenging sales skill evaluation tests. These tests put potential candidates through challenges and obstacles they may face while working in sales to assess how they react in a real-world situation.

Numerical Reasoning Tests

Salespeople must have basic arithmetic and mathematical skills to succeed beyond the basics, and many organizations use numerical reasoning tests to check those talents. These tests show graphs, tables, and charts and ask candidates to respond to questions about them. 

Error Checking Tests

One attribute organizations look for when hiring salespeople is how well candidates check and correct errors. This form of evaluation accomplishes precisely what it says; it assesses a candidate’s ability to detect and remedy errors, all of which lead to more efficiency and autonomy.

Significance of Sales Skills Assessment Test

Many sales organizations conduct sales assessments to check a candidate’s talent and aptitude. Here are a few benefits of investing in sales assessments:

Hire The Right People For The Job

Your sales team is the backbone of your organization and a significant contributor to its success. Hiring the right people means maximizing your potential for revenue growth and providing your current and potential clients with the best-in-class service.

Brooks Talent Index Assessment

scimproIncrease Sales Revenue

Sales assessments can help your business build a high-performing sales team that will develop winning sales strategies for sustainable growth, larger accounts, and higher retention rates.

Save Time And Money

A wrong hire affects the team’s culture and impacts your bottom line and client relationships. Save time and money by investing in sales assessments to accurately gauge shortcomings before they cost your business. 

Conduct Effective Interviews

The process of finding effective candidates begins with creating effective and accurate interviews. Sales assessments let you ask more effective questions and dig deeper to find relevant insights about a candidate.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What Is A Sales Skills Assessment?

  • The term “assessment” means an evaluation of something. In the context of sales, it refers to a process by which one evaluates a person’s abilities and determines whether they are ready to take on the job at hand.

How Do You Use Sales Skills Assessments?

  • Assessments are often used during the interview process to get a sense of a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses. They also provide information about a candidate’s knowledge and experience.

Why Should You Conduct Sales Skill Assessments?

  • Assessments give you insight into a candidate’s strengths and areas where improvement can be made. Further, they allow you to compare candidates’ performance against each other to permit the best for the role. 

What Is the Best Sales Skills Assessment Test?

  • The Brooks Talent Index is a leading sales assessment test that provides reliable results with a scientifically validated system to improve hiring and reduce sales turnover.

What Types Of Sales Assessments Can Be Used To Evaluate Your Employees?

  • Like pre-hiring assessments, there are different types of sales skill assessment exams that can be used to evaluate current employees. These include behavioral, cognitive, situational, numeric, and verbal.

Are Sales Skills Assessment Tests Valid?

  • Yes, sales skill assessment tests are valid because they are developed using data-backed, scientific research to measure real-world behaviors.

For more information, contact The Brooks Group today!

Written By

The Brooks Group

The Brooks Group teaches straightforward, actionable sales training skills to sales managers and their teams. Our IMPACT Selling® Sales Training Program has been taught to over one million sales professionals nation-wide, and we've been recognized as one of the top sales training companies annually since 2010. We also provide various behavioral and selling assessments to aide sales managers making hiring or management decisions.
The Brooks Group teaches straightforward, actionable sales training skills to sales managers and their teams. Our IMPACT Selling® Sales Training Program has been taught to over one million sales professionals nation-wide, and we've been recognized as one of the top sales training companies annually since 2010. We also provide various behavioral and selling assessments to aide sales managers making hiring or management decisions.

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