Energy & Utilities Sales Training
Give your sales professionals the fuel to be successful!
Challenges in the Energy & Utilities Industry
It’s a perfect storm for those in oil, gas, and utilities sales: Demand for energy is at an all-time high, consumption continues to increase, and consumers need your products to fuel their business. Along with price volatility and increasingly stringent environmental regulations, it all adds up to a significant challenge for sales professionals in the energy and utilities industry.
Ensuring your sales team is up to the challenges of the energy and utilities industry is absolutely critical. Staying on top of regulations, product innovation, demand, and best practices in the industry requires the proper level of preparedness — and sales training — to ensure success. The Brooks Group sales training offering for the energy and utiltiies industry includes training for the oil and gas industry as a subset of the sales training.

What Sales Teams Can Benefit From Our Services?
Oil Sales Professionals

Gas Sales Professionals

Energy Sales Professionals

Utilities Sales Professionals

How Sales Training from The Brooks Group Can Help
The Brooks Group has more than 45 years’ experience in helping sales organizations in the energy and utilities industry that includes oil and gas, to close knowledge gaps, learn the nuances of the business, and, most importantly, serve as trusted advisors to buyers in a hyper-competitive marketplace.
A customized sales training program will give your sales leaders, dealers, and sales representatives access to tools that will assist them in hiring, planning, and selling more effectively.
With the right sales training approach, you can make sure your company is fueling success for your sales team!
Energy & Utilities Sales Training from The Brooks Group will Empower Your Sales Team and Channel Partners to:
Become a Respected Partner and Advisor

Your organization’s sales performance depends on how well your salespeople can position themselves as expert advisors. A consultative sales process helps reps establish trust and credibility and enhance your company’s reputation as a service provider.
Navigate Larger Buying Communities

Today’s complex selling environment involves multiple decision makers and different levels of user participants. Your reps will learn to identify unique behavior styles, sharpen interpersonal skills, and adapt their approach to sell the way the buyer wants to buy.
Build Value in the Eyes of Your Prospects

Selling intangible solutions requires expert value-building skills and the ability to convince buyers of an immediate need for your service. A buyer-focused sales process allows your reps to identify wants and needs and present value to your prospects and customers.
Improved Sales Performance in Energy & Utilities Sales Depends on 3 Key Anchors:
Sales Assessments
Customized Sales Training
Sales Training Reinforcement