Working With Us
The Brooks Group’s Sales Training Methodology: 4D
As sales professionals, we believe in a sales training methodology that involves continuity of coaching, customized training and a consistent focus on client ROI. This is what drives success and increases sales effectiveness when it comes to implementing a sales process.
It’s also what drives our unique deployment methodology.

4-Dimensional Approach To Sustainable Sales Force Transformation™
The Brooks Group’s approach to helping you build and sustain top-performing business development programs and effective, productive personnel is based on a proven “whole business” change management approach using a 4-step process.
The Brooks Group has been working with sales organizations for well over 4 decades to develop top-performing sales teams. Taking what we’ve learned, we’ve distilled our know-how into a straightforward and efficient 4-phase process for improving your company’s overall sales training methodology and results.
Our unique transformational process addresses a variety of challenges and opportunities facing your team, ranging from what’s literally happening in the field pre-training, all the way to choosing the right sales training methodology and reinforcing and coaching the sales process on an ongoing basis.
Phase 1: Discover
Do you have the right people in the right places? How does your sales organization compare to the best-in-class?
A deep dive into your sales organization’s day-to-day reality will help us gain a baseline understanding of your team, your marketplace, your opportunities and your challenges. It will help us understand your business realities and incorporate them into your training program.
Our unique Discover Phase will allow us to evaluate your sales organization and the people within it. We’ll then report back to you the overall state of your sales culture, how it compares to best-in-class teams and tell you how to optimize your selling efforts through hiring, selection, training, reinforcement and coaching. In short, you’ll get a sales force “reality check.” Getting the right people to perform is the fastest way to translate training to sales. It’s also important for us to assess exactly what you expect to achieve from your sales training.
Before beginning any program, we always ask: “how are you going to measure success?”
The Discover Phase Includes:
- Ride-alongs and field observations with your sales team
- Brooks Talent Index
- Sales Culture Insights Organizational Assessment
- Interviews with Senior Leadership, Field Managers and Salespeople
- Customer interviews
- Staffing Recommendations
- Executive debrief with recommended sales force optimization steps
- Sales Training Methodology and Initiative Rollout Strategy and Messaging (if applicable)
Phase 2: Design
Once you’ve identified the right mix of people, sales strategy and tactics, how do we build a customized sales training and reinforcement experience to get maximum results from your team?
Off-the-shelf sales training is a thing of the past. Or at least it should be. Each and every sales organization is unique down to the very personalities of its’ individual contributors, so our training content and experience must reflect that reality. In short, the sales training methodology must be unique to your organization.
The instructional design team assigned to your project will take the robust information uncovered during our Discover Phase and combine it with executive-level input around sales organizational objectives to develop a top-notch sales training methodology. We’ll integrate it with our highly usable sales and sales management programs to design a training experience that is seamless to your team’s day-to-day selling environment.
In short, we’ll help you design a training curriculum that will actually be used by your team.
The Design Phase Includes:
- Integration of Discover Phase findings into program curriculum
- Expert consulting by our seasoned curriculum design team
- In-depth curriculum customization and development
- Exercise and case study creation
- Development of best-fit program courseware
- Involvement from facilitators
Phase 3: Deploy
How, when and where do you deliver your training and reinforcement program to your team to get a maximum return in as short of a period of time as possible?
The Deploy Phase is when we roll your program out to your team.
It’s simple. The Brooks Group is in the business of transforming your sales and sales management culture to result in top-line sales growth. The truth is that this simply doesn’t happen during the course of an isolated training event.
Research has shown that live, classroom training is the absolute best way to facilitate learning, so 99.999% of our programs are deployed in that manner. It doesn’t stop there, though. Using BrooksUP, the combination of live coaching and digital reinforcement helps to ensure sales professionals are truly understanding and implementing newly learned skills with customers and prospects. Through the interactive coaching program, participants have the opportunity to apply key concepts while being guided by an expert sales coach and their fellow team members.
The Deploy Phase Includes:
- Sales and sales management training program kick-off strategy and execution
- Live facilitation by world-class sales trainers
- Implementation of sales, sales management and other training programs
- Sales and sales manager coaching
- IMPACT Onsite Visual Representation™ reinforcement solutions
Phase 4: Develop
How do you make sure your sales managers coach their team to the sales process on an ongoing basis? How can you ensure that your sales culture has been improved on a permanent basis?
Sustaining desired sales force behaviors is just that: sustainment.
While it would be nice if sales transformation were a “set it and forget it” scenario, that’s just not realistic. Your new sales and sales management processes and accountabilities must remain front and center to stay vibrant over the long-term.
The Brooks Group partners with internal stakeholders to incorporate ongoing mechanisms to ensure your program – and the strategies and tactics we’ve developed for you – stay alive inside of your team on a permanent basis.
Ongoing Sales Force Development Includes:
- Quarterly program implementation check-ins
- Ongoing hiring and selection consulting
- Sales management coaching clinics
- CRM integration
- National meeting breakouts
- In-house trainer certification
- Advanced sales skill development